Rolfing has the potential to relieve chronic pain and stress patterns, revitalize energy and leave individuals feeling more balanced and at ease in their bodies. Whether seeking relief from chronic pain or discomfort, hoping to improve performance in athletic and daily activities or gain a deeper awareness and sense of embodiment, Rolfing can help.
Over time we all succumb to the aches and pains of long held patterns of movement, posture, and belief about our bodies. Our bodies are very effective at thickening and laying down fascia to "help" hold us in positions that we repetitively find ourselves in (desk chairs and car seats for example). Similarly, areas of dense tissue build around scars and injuries (old or new). These accomodations in the fascia coupled with the constant force of gravity can pull our bodies out of alignment. A misaligned body takes more energy to move, is less efficient, is succeptible to further strain and may experience ongoing pain or discomfort.
The good news about fascia and the brilliance of Dr. Ida Rolf's work is that fascia can change from being dense and stuck to supple and fluid-like! With skilled touch and awareness a Rolfer™ manipulates the fascia to bring the body into better ease and alignment. An aligned body moves better and has more energy and vitality to put toward enjoying life!